Moms History
Moms Pie House was created, from scratch, in December 1984 by Anita Nichols, “Mom” to four children and now six grandchildren. She had a vision - to make delicious, homemade pie from the already famous Julian apples. When Moms first opened, in the old Julian Cafe building, the bakery measured a whopping 10x22 feet, and had very cozy seating for two! Mom used one small electric oven for all her baking and peeled her own apples using a counter-mounted peeler.
Moms flakey crusts and not-too-sweet fillings were a hit with locals and tourists alike, and a line snaking outside the door of the tiny bakery became commonplace. In the fall of 1987, Mom expanded the bakery to include a larger kitchen and more seating. She also started baking cookies, sticky buns, cinnamon rolls, and other sweet homemade treats.
A few years back, Mom trained at the Cordon Bleu and found the experience fun, even when the chefs spoke in French and she wasn’t sure what they were saying. Thirty-nine years of hard work since making her first Moms Pie, Mom is still rolling out those flakey pie crusts in the front window, smiling at the eager, hungry faces peering in at her, and is still baking a tasty, mouth-watering homemade pie!